This service is for PS5/PS4/XBOX ONE/XBOX SERIES XS
After you place an order we will contact you about what outfits you want on the account and which gender.
You will always get: tryhard/pretty face creation, modded accesoires like gun belt (female & male), prison cuffs (female & male), colored armor (male only), gold iaa badge (male only) and more. The account will also have between 95 - 280 milion, level between 100 - 180 & 10 custom modded outfits (on female accounts you get always 1 extra cute outfit with stockings, stuntman shoes, gunbelt, bustier & prison cuffs!) The account have also fast run included. All methods used are safe.
If you want stacked tattoos or modded cars you need to purchase that seperately:
For any questions: please contact us here or through the website chat!